Thanks for your encouragement and kind words. They lifted me up and it felt great to get those thoughts off my chest.
I found this neat article about the courage to be you. I thought it was beautifully written. So here is the link:
We had Lala's 4 month appointment today. Poor kid is so sick. It's so hard to hear a baby this young cough and fight a cold. It's been nerve wracking for me these past few days. She does seem to be getting better though, so that's a good sign.
Here are her stats:
Weight:12 lbs 3 oz so that's the 18%
Height: 24 3/4 inches so that's the 69%
She is a bit on the small side. But it was great because when we blessed her she still looked brand new.
She has started to talk and coo at us and has learned that if she smiles really big, Mommy and Daddy can't resist and pick her up. She's no dummy. She holds her head up really well and can sit in her Bumbo seat. She continues to be such a great, easy going baby. She is truly a gift. I don't know how I would handle everything if she wasn't so easy going. People keep telling me that things will get better once she sleeps though the night. What they don't know is it's not her that's keeping me up at night it's homework. Thank goodness it's not both! Lala loves to watch her sisters and they adore her, especially Bug. Bug is fond of calling Lala her best friend. It is so stinkin cute when she does that.
Bug is 34 lbs. She loves to pretend she's going to school, I think she may feel a little left out in this aspect. She sets up her teddy bear and they do homework almost every day. She is still tall for her age, and I think people expect her to talk better because of it. Although her words are getting a lot easier to understand. She is constantly wondering if everyone is happy, because she doesn't want anyone to me sad or mad. Potty training has been on hold since for the past two months she has been on and off antibiotics that upset her tummy. I really hope this is the last round. :( She and Monkey play together a lot lately and Bug seems to enjoy it, even if they do end up fighting at least three or four times a day.
Monkey is 47 lbs. She still hungers to learn everything and anything.
They just celebrated Presidents Day and so she wanted to know how old Abraham Lincoln was when he died. That eventually led to who killed Abraham Lincoln and finally how did the shooter die? She claims that she's just curious, "it's one of her talents." She tries to read anything she can get her hands on. She has a complaint to file with Little Ceasar's. After all it should be spelled with an S not a C, don't you agree? And after numerous talks about how we are friends with everybody, she still claims that she has a boyfriend and someday when they are married they are going to have 100 kids who will all, except for two, be named after me, her momma. I'm flattered to say the least.
(P.S. we did not get a puppy, this is my cousins new puppy it is a Puggle, thats Pug and Beagle mix. He's pretty cute.)
This post makes me happy!! I miss your girls, and it was fun to see you guys at the blessing!! I need to come visit again soon!!!
Lala is so cute! She looks just like Monkey in that picture. I can't wait to see them all in person again soon!
Tackler keeps doing the same thing about spelling words - he says "____ should be pronounced ____".
Lala and Little Man sounds a lot alike. Lala has the cutest smile. They are both so smiley. I wish they could have met - they would have gotten along so great just smiling at each other. And I agree - it was SO hard to watch him be sick.
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