Thursday, January 6, 2011

It a new year!

And I am back at school!
2010 ended and 2011 has begun with many blessings and prayers answered. I am so grateful for our family and our friends, for their generosity and love. Our lives are so much better because of them. I am also grateful for a scholarship that will enable me to continue with my schooling and hopefully get my degree next Christmas!
Graduating is my number one goal this year, but I also look forward to being more patient with my girls, spend as much time as I can with them, and looking for ways to serve my husband.

What are some of your goals for the year?

1 comment:

Lexie said...

Hooray for your scholarship - way to go! And hooray for one more year, keep going girl, you're amazing! I love your goals. My main goal is to play, just play, to get down on the floor and pretend - be a car, a train, a dolly mommy, whatever they want for a few minutes before they all grow up and don't want to "play" any more.


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